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How to organize your time efficiently?


Are you struggling to keep up? Do you feel like you are all over the place?

The struggle is real. Understanding and following how to manage your time is valuable. To get yourself refocused and back on track, you need to follow these tips with urgency.

In today’s topic, we will discuss practical techniques for time management. Whether you are a student or an employee, it is vital to know ho

w to manage your valuable time to get the day through smoothly. That’s what everybody wants, a stable and flowy day.

Start with a to-do list.

Yes, We have all got to keep track of what we are doing. Start the day by creating a list of things that you need to do that will guide and remind you of your tasks for the day, week, and month.

Having this information at hand, can give you a s

ense of accountability and the urgency to follow through with the task. A great way to keep your list of assignments organized and in one place is getting a high-quality scheduler like the Passion Planner. Do your research and make sure it’s something that fits your style. Don’t worry that it costs a bit more than a plain Mead Notebook, your investment will only strengthen your resolve. Passion Planner can guide you if you are looking for time management and self-enhancement. It has many unique features: questionnaires weekly and, monthly schedules, vision boards, and more!

You need to make a list starting from very urgent

tasks to flexible assignments to better know how to organize your time.

Rank your Tasks

To be on point with your work you need to be crystal cl

ear on the urgency of your assignments. What tasks are close to a deadline? Is there an assignment that needs your full attention? Is there a job that is more relaxed and does not need to be done ASAP? Ask these questions as you start to form your task rankings.

It is very human of us to get distracted when working. It takes up to 23 minutes to refocus after a distraction. That’s okay! You need to know what your usual distraction is. Is it social media notifications? Phone calls?

Or is it a talkative friend or colleague? It’s necessary to know your distractions to adequately avoid them while organizing your time.

Time is money

Once you know the source of your distractions, try to eliminate them For instance, if you may always have your phone nearby to check the time but find yourself skimming social media feeds. Set a timer to separate when you are allowed to check your phone from when you’re able to take a break. This will give you self discipline and help in prioritizing your time accordingly.

Be Structured

Want to make your organization

structured? Try creating time blocks for your assignments. Time blocking is an essential tool for to reaching the goals that you have set up. It can help you to become productive and organized organically. You can create your own template or you can use time blocking templates found online.

Keep in mind that when you use this tool, you have to stick with it to become truly self-disciplined when organizing a day or task. It is also a fun tool to use when you want to add a pop of color. You can color code your blocks and mark each color with a type of urgency.

For example, imagine you have 4 assignments that need to be done by varying times in the week. Note that they all have different deadlines. As discussed, you can add an assignments to its time block, and start using highlighters to determine the level of urgency. Let's say; pink is high urgency, orange is semi-high urgency, green is medium urgency, and yellow is low urgency. This way, you know what to start with as soon as possible and move forward.

Now you know

It is easy to start organizing your time when you start having; self-discipline, urgency ranking structure, and determination!

If you want to learn more about how to structure your time, check out these links, and tips on how to use your valuable time productively.



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